The CLP Wastewater Treatment System is ideal for numerous pressure washing applications. Water Maze’s CLP mechanical filtration systems are the standard in the high-pressure cleaning industry for automated wash-water recycling. CLP systems are totally automated to monitor and control the system’s functions including filtration, recirculation, filter backwash and sludge discharge.
The secret to the CLP’s effectiveness is the way the 10 cone-shaped coalescing plates are stacked, providing up to 490 sq. ft. of oil-attracting surface area. The cone-shaped design forces the wastewater to the edges of the tank, which simulates water flowing from a 1 1/2-inch pipe into a 4-ft. pipe. This slowing of the water flow enhances the settling and removal of suspended solids such as dirt.
- Perfect For: Heavy equipment cleaning, manufacturing, trucking & transportation
- Industrial-grade ultraviolet ozone generator
- 1/3 to 1/2 hp submersible and filter pumps for maintaining high flow rates
- 185 – 490 sq. ft. of cone-shaped coalescing plates for optimum separation of oil and solids from wash water
Oil-water separation is a process that enhances the natural separation of oil from water so the oil floats on the surface of the water.
- Pro: It effectively removes or skims “free” oils from the water surface making water safer for reuse or disposal
- Con: It is not effective in removing emulsified oils that are often trapped within the water molecules by detergents or other cleaning agents
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